St. John Thrift Store and Food Pantry is located at 301 N Main Street in Brownsville, Kentucky. It is an outreach ministry of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Sunfish, Kentucky. The Thrift Store opened its door on November 20, 2014 & the Food Pantry on May 1, 2016. Through our sales we help to serve the people of Edmonson County with financial help with electric, water & food for the pantry. We partner with Feeding America to purchase food at a low cost for distribution to those in need as well as with the help of other great individual supporters and supporting churches we can purchase items that we cannot get through Feeding America.
We take all kinds of donations as well as monetary in our store. We also recycle. Things we cannot use we send off for help in other parts of the state. We follow the guidelines for financial assistance but we know that there are times when people just need a helping hand. We help all age groups, all denominations from young to old. We wish for people to know that we are here to give assistance when needed or just that little boost when things go wrong. Help is available. The Mission of the store and pantry is to serve the people of Edmonson County. In the past three years, the store has helped residents in Edmonson County with nearly $22,800 in assistance.